Fun Fly and Racing – Sunday 30th September
Killakwads have been asked by the MX-5 Owners Club UK if we could make use of some space at their 2018 National Rally at Ragley Hall; in exchange for putting on a bit of a spectacle for people to…… spectate.

The event is expected to attract over two thousand MX-5s and several thousand visitors. Camping will be available on Saturday night. Allowing us some time on Saturday for some fun flying, socialising, practice laps, barbecuing, and beverage consumption (Bring your own barbecue foods).
On the Sunday, along with ripping around some scarily big trees, we will be running a non-league, exhibition style race day. With space for twelve pilots. The day will operate in a three bracket format. With four pilots in each bracket. One racing, one spectating, one in the pits.
We will aim to fly as many heats as practical before running a series of four finals heats featuring the fastest from each bracket in heat one, and so on.

This event is open to all. However you must hold a valid insurance certificate from either BMFA or UKFPV. (You will need to produce proof of insurance at sign in)
There will be camping pitches available on Saturday night. With a small charge of £5 per tent (to cover Portaloos and charcoal).
Entry ticket to the Fun Fly on Saturday is FREE.
Entry ticket to the timed racing on Sunday (limited to 12 pilots) is £5
Head over to our web shop to grab your tickets!
(Entry details and schedule will be emailed out with your e-tickets)